Thursday, March 24, 2011

eighty7 - snow storm

Here are some more snowstorm photos. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

eighty6 - Munich

I got to explore Munich this Christmas, seeing both landmarks and someone's childhood memories. Here are some photos:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eighty5 - trams

I feel these photos give off a certain, eastern European vibe.

Monday, March 21, 2011

eighty4 - pigeons

These pigeons in Prague liked feeding on the vines

eighty3 - family christmas

This is a little bit out of date, but hey, life catches up with you and it took a while to get these prints developed.
I spent Christmas with my family in London and it was wonderful.

eighty2 - scotland pinhole

So I have realized that pinhole cameras are really difficult to get consistently great results with, however they always manage to produce eerily ghost like pictures that look as if they should've been taken over 50 years ago, so I suppose thats the fun of it!