Friday, July 1, 2011

ninty4 - Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone!
Here are some photos that, to me, feel very Canadian in spirit. And no, they do not include mayple syrup.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ninty2 - splish splash

These two photos remind me of the 'splish splash' song.

Monday, May 23, 2011

ninty1 - peanutbutter cookies

So someone gave me this...

No big deal, just a thing of peanutbutter the SIZE OF MY HEAD! So I decided to make some peanutbutter cookies to put all this peanutbutter to good use.

someone else got a little taste too

ninty - summer fun

Nothing better to make you feel like its summer than fun nail polish colours and lip smackers that bring back memories of being a kid

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

eighty9 - pets

I have three pets. Here are two of them

Monday, May 16, 2011

eighty8 - green trees

Its been a rainy, rainy past couple of days. Thankfully, that means the greens of spring are that much more vibrant.

seeds, seeds, everywhere!

tree bellybutton?
time to venture out into the rain

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

eighty6 - Munich

I got to explore Munich this Christmas, seeing both landmarks and someone's childhood memories. Here are some photos:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eighty5 - trams

I feel these photos give off a certain, eastern European vibe.

Monday, March 21, 2011

eighty4 - pigeons

These pigeons in Prague liked feeding on the vines

eighty3 - family christmas

This is a little bit out of date, but hey, life catches up with you and it took a while to get these prints developed.
I spent Christmas with my family in London and it was wonderful.

eighty2 - scotland pinhole

So I have realized that pinhole cameras are really difficult to get consistently great results with, however they always manage to produce eerily ghost like pictures that look as if they should've been taken over 50 years ago, so I suppose thats the fun of it!

Monday, February 28, 2011

eighty1 - The Oscars

Here's a little glimpse into my Oscar night: my food!

Tom Yom soup
Cupcakes: before
Cupcakes: after
Cupcake on 'Vanity Fair:  Hollywod edition'

Sunday, February 20, 2011

eighty - Bourgeois

I am working on perfecting the perfect candle wax covered wine bottles

seventy9 - mint tea glasses

I have finally found the perfect glasses to go with my Moroccan teapot: